УНІКАЛЬНА НОВИНКА: 3D-ручка, що створює о’бємні фігури із карамелі!

Home New products УНІКАЛЬНА НОВИНКА: 3D-ручка, що створює о’бємні фігури із карамелі!

Створюйте власні дивовижні цукерки за допомогою нової 3D-ручки Polaroid Candy Play!

Ця проста у використанні 3D-ручка Polaroid CandyPlay – справжня інновація на ринку 3D-ручок.

Створюйте унікальні цукерки з шістьма неймовірними смаками та дивуйте близьких, друзів і колег.

Ні пластику, ні ниток, ні цукру!

Products from publication
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This easy-to-use Polaroid CandyPlay 3D Pen is a WORLD FIRST for the 3D pen market. Its six fabulous, sugar-free flavours allow you to create beautiful, unique Candies to impress family, friends or colleagues. No plastic, no filament, no sugar!
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The NEW Polaroid CandyPlay 3D Pen refill Candy Cartridges come in 6 vibrantly coloured, tasty flavours. The diversity of the colours and flavours offers the opportunity to create and build an enormous variety of amazing edible models, personalised sweets, unique lollipops and much more. All Polaroid Candy Cartridges are sugar-free with natural flavourings.
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The NEW Polaroid CandyPlay 3D Pen refill Candy Cartridges come in 6 vibrantly coloured, tasty flavours. The diversity of the colours and flavours offers the opportunity to create and build an enormous variety of amazing edible models, personalised sweets, unique lollipops and much more. All Polaroid Candy Cartridges are sugar-free with natural flavourings.
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The NEW Polaroid CandyPlay 3D Pen refill Candy Cartridges come in 6 vibrantly coloured, tasty flavours. The diversity of the colours and flavours offers the opportunity to create and build an enormous variety of amazing edible models, personalised sweets, unique lollipops and much more. All Polaroid Candy Cartridges are sugar-free with natural flavourings.
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The NEW Polaroid CandyPlay 3D Pen refill Candy Cartridges come in 6 vibrantly coloured, tasty flavours. The diversity of the colours and flavours offers the opportunity to create and build an enormous variety of amazing edible models, personalised sweets, unique lollipops and much more. All Polaroid Candy Cartridges are sugar-free with natural flavourings.
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The NEW Polaroid CandyPlay 3D Pen refill Candy Cartridges come in 6 vibrantly coloured, tasty flavours. The diversity of the colours and flavours offers the opportunity to create and build an enormous variety of amazing edible models, personalised sweets, unique lollipops and much more. All Polaroid Candy Cartridges are sugar-free with natural flavourings.
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The NEW Polaroid CandyPlay 3D Pen refill Candy Cartridges come in 6 vibrantly coloured, tasty flavours. The diversity of the colours and flavours offers the opportunity to create and build an enormous variety of amazing edible models, personalised sweets, unique lollipops and much more. All Polaroid Candy Cartridges are sugar-free with natural flavourings.
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The NEW Polaroid CandyPlay 3D Pen refill Candy Cartridges come in 6 vibrantly coloured, tasty flavours. The diversity of the colours and flavours offers the opportunity to create and build an enormous variety of amazing edible models, personalised sweets, unique lollipops and much more. All Polaroid Candy Cartridges are sugar-free with natural flavourings.
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