For whom: for girls, for boys, for the whole family; Type of toy: press and shake toy; Category of development: finger motility, motor coordination, fine motor skill, logical thinking, visual perception, tactile sensations;
For whom: for girls, for boys; Type of toy: sorting game; Category of development: finger motility, motor coordination, logical thinking, visual perception, color perception, perseverance;
For whom: for girls, for boys; Type of toy: sorting game; Category of development: finger motility, motor coordination, visual perception, color perception, perseverance;
For whom: for girls, for boys, for the whole family; Type of toy: game, developing game; Category of development: finger motility, motor coordination, fine motor skill, visual perception, perseverance;
For whom: for girls, for boys; Type of toy: pyramid, puzzle; Category of development: finger motility, motor coordination, visual perception, tactile sensations, color perception, perseverance;
For whom: for girls, for boys; Type of toy: humming-top; Category of development: motor coordination, fine motor skill, visual perception, tactile sensations;
For whom: for girls, for boys; Type of toy: humming-top; Category of development: motor coordination, fine motor skill, visual perception, tactile sensations;
For whom: for girls, for boys; Type of toy: sorting game; Category of development: finger motility, fine motor skill, logical thinking, memory, color perception, perseverance;
For whom: for girls, for boys; Type of toy: pyramid, cube puzzle; Category of development: creative skills, accuracy, fine motor skill, color perception;
A wooden car made for daily use on the road. As a robust construction site vehicle, equipped with the necessary accessories for small repairs to the road surface. The shapely, open side sections specially designed for children's hands and the high-quality rubber tyres increase the play value.
For whom: for girls, for boys, for the whole family; Type of toy: memo game; Category of development: logical thinking, visual perception, memory, perseverance;
For whom: for girls, for boys; Type of toy: developing game; Category of development: finger motility, accuracy, logical thinking, visual perception, perseverance;
For whom: for girls, for boys, for the whole family; Type of toy: developing game; Category of development: finger motility, accuracy, logical thinking, memory, perseverance;
For whom: for girls, for boys; Type of toy: pyramid; Category of development: finger motility, motor coordination, logical thinking, memory, color perception, perseverance;