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9499 UAH*
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Minerva Smartlock 350 overlock is a 2, 3, 4-thread overlock with a cylinder-bed that sews 8 basic basting stitches. It is suitable for all types of fabrics, from fine to denim, thanks to the adjustable foot pressure. The differential feed ensures high-quality processing of knitwear. It is equipped with a modern system of straight thread guides, simplified threading with color-coded threads, easy threading tips and the ability to disable the knife.
SKU: M4000CL
23599 UAH*
in stock
Type of sewing machines: coverlock; Sewing speed: 1100 stitches per minute; Power consumption: 120 V; Number of sewing operations: 20 pcs; Capabilities: differential feed, different types of fabrics, increased sewing surface, colored discs for easy tension adjustment;
7799 UAH*
in stock
Sewing machine МINERVA NEXT 532A, electromechanical, 85W, 32sewing operation., loop automatic, white + red.
5999 UAH*
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Type of sewing machines: electromechanical; Type of hook: vertical, rotary; Power consumption: 70 V; Number of loops: 1 pcs; Number of sewing operations: 13 pcs; Capabilities: reverse, double needle sewing, fast paw replacement, sewing of lightning, removable sleeve for small radius processing, automatic switch to idle, automatic bobbin winder, works with various types of fabrics, automatic thread trimming; Case: Soft;
11899 UAH*
in stock
Type of sewing machines: overlock; Sewing speed: 1250 rpm; Power consumption: 105 V; Number of sewing operations: 8 pcs; Capabilities: differential conveyor, two-level foot lift, automatic filling of the left looper, imitation of flat seam, fast switching to the role-seam technique without changing the needle plate, works with various types of fabrics, quick and easy threading, detachable sleeve platform, universal snap-on presser foot;
SKU: M832B
6999 UAH*
in stock
Type of sewing machines: electromechanical; Type of hook: swinging; Sewing speed: 800 rpm; Power consumption: 85 V; Number of loops: 1 pcs; Number of sewing operations: 37 pcs; Capabilities: thread cutter, fast paw replacement, automatic switch to idle, works with various types of fabrics; Case: Hard; Weight: 5.6 kg;
SKU: Next141D
6499 UAH*
in stock
Type of sewing machines: electromechanical; Type of hook: vertical (swinging); Sewing speed: 800 rpm; Power consumption: 85 V; Number of lines: 14 pcs; Number of loops: 1 pcs; Number of sewing operations: 14 pcs; Capabilities: reverse, free arm platform, thread cutter, double needle sewing, horizontal bobbin winder, sewing of lightning, sewing of the buttons; Dimensions (WxHxD): 43 х 35 х 22.5; Weight: 5.6 kg;
15599 UAH*
out of stock
Type of sewing machines: computerized; Type of hook: horizontal; Power consumption: 70 V; Number of lines: 197 pcs; Number of loops: 8 pcs; Capabilities: double needle sewing, automatic threading, horizontal bobbin winder, works with electronic foot pedal, Down/Up needle positioning button, sewing reverse button, automatic thread cutting button, auto lock button, one-touch presser foot change, removable arm console, 1 memory group; Case: Soft; Weight: 8.1 kg;
SKU: M823B
6399 UAH*
out of stock
Type of sewing machines: electromechanical; Type of hook: swinging; Sewing speed: 800 rpm; Power consumption: 85 V; Number of lines: 22 pcs; Number of loops: 1 pcs; Number of sewing operations: 26 pcs; Capabilities: reverse, free arm platform, sewing of lightning, sewing of the buttons, automatic needle threader, twin needle sewing; Weight: 5.6 kg;
7599 UAH*
out of stock
Type of sewing machines: electromechanical; Type of hook: swinging; Sewing speed: 800 rpm; Power consumption: 85 V; Number of loops: 1 pcs; Number of sewing operations: 36 pcs; Capabilities: reverse, free arm platform, double needle sewing, overlock stitch, zigzag, horizontal bobbin winder, sewing of lightning, sewing of the buttons, hidden stitch, elastic stitching for knitwear, straight stitch; Weight: 5.6 kg;
6999 UAH*
out of stock
Type of sewing machines: electromechanical; Type of hook: vertical; Sewing speed: 800 rpm; Number of loops: 1 pcs; Number of sewing operations: 23 pcs; Capabilities: thread cutter, automatic threading, fast paw replacement, horizontal bobbin winder, automatic switch to idle, tubulare console; Case: Soft;
5499 UAH*
out of stock
Type of sewing machines: electromechanical; Type of hook: vertical; Number of lines: 15 pcs; Number of loops: 1 pcs; Capabilities: reverse, free arm platform, thread cutter, fast paw replacement, carry handle; Case: Fabric; Weight: 5.2 kg;
SKU: M819B
6299 UAH*
out of stock
Type of sewing machines: electromechanical; Type of hook: swinging; Number of lines: 19 pcs; Number of loops: 1 pcs; Capabilities: reverse, free arm platform, thread cutter; Case: Fabric; Weight: 6.1 kg;
5999 UAH*
out of stock
Type of sewing machines: electromechanical; Type of hook: vertical, rotary; Sewing speed: 800 rpm; Power consumption: 85 V; Number of sewing operations: 14 pcs; Capabilities: reverse, free arm platform, thread cutter, sewing buttonhole, fast paw replacement, sewing of lightning, sewing of the buttons; Case: Soft; Dimensions (WxHxD): 21 х 34 х 44; Weight: 5.6 kg;

New items

9499 UAH*
in stock
Minerva Smartlock 350 overlock is a 2, 3, 4-thread overlock with a cylinder-bed that sews 8 basic basting stitches. It is suitable for all types of fabrics, from fine to denim, thanks to the adjustable foot pressure. The differential feed ensures high-quality processing of knitwear. It is equipped with a modern system of straight thread guides, simplified threading with color-coded threads, easy threading tips and the ability to disable the knife.


"Мінерва" в античній міфології богиня мудрості, мистецтва і покровителька ремісників. А швейна машина Minerva - найкращий товариш рукодільниць і майстринь!
Sewing is a creative process, during which a combination of beauty and functionality is born. MINERVA sewing machines will satisfy the needs of the most demanding and provide many possibilities.
У своєму ціновому діапазоні Minerva LongArm Professional – це єдина машина з такою величезною відстанню між голкою та важелем, потужністю двигуна 90 Вт та швидкістю роботи аж 1 000 проколів на хвилину.
Швейна машина – це не просто домашня помічниця, а й джерело натхнення для творчості. Створювати, лагодити, вигадувати, робити сюрпризи близьким, облаштовувати інтер’єр – усі ці завдання дуже легко втілювати в життя із сучасними машинами...
Зробити будь-яку річ оригінальною, прикрасити різноманітними візерунками, надати тканинам та матеріалам неповторних рис допоможе вишивка. Швейно-вишивальна техніка бренда Minerva може допомогти якнайкраще втілити в життя всі основні...
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