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SKU: 61920G
235 UAH*
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The perfect equipment to make music together. Trains the sense of rhythm and motor skills.
SKU: 61940G
122 UAH*
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SKU: 61893G
97 UAH*
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This original and interesting musical instrument is made of wood. The toy can be used for various games of the child, using sound effects both when telling fairy tales and for everyday games.
138 UAH*
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The music with a triangle increases the sensibility for tones and sounds as well as the sense of rhythm.
SKU: 61953G
999 UAH*
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332 UAH*
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The perfect equipment to make music together. Enhances the sense of rhythm and concentration.
SKU: 56765G
672 UAH*
in stock
For whom: for girls, for boys; Type of toy: sorting game; Category of development: visual perception, memory;
SKU: 56756G
348 UAH*
in stock
Type: Kids; Kind: Magnetic game; Age group: from 3 years;
SKU: 56813G
575 UAH*
in stock
Who will be the first to complete his own picture? This dice game trains the correct matching of colours.
SKU: 56877G
421 UAH*
in stock
For whom: for girls, for boys, for the whole family; Type of toy: developing game; Category of development: finger motility, accuracy, logical thinking, perseverance;
SKU: 56806G
235 UAH*
in stock
For whom: for girls, for boys, for the whole family; Type of toy: memo game; Category of development: logical thinking, memory, perseverance, concentration of attention;
SKU: 56869G
299 UAH*
in stock
Who finds more of the matching pairs? You need a good memory. At the same time you can learn about the animals and plants of the forest.
SKU: 56904G
454 UAH*
in stock
Half of the animal is missing. There are 16 animals and two halves form a pair. Each player tries to match as many pairs as possible.
SKU: 58741G
659 UAH*
in stock
For whom: for boys; Type of toy: developing game; Category of development: finger motility, logical thinking, perseverance;
SKU: 56719G
551 UAH*
in stock
For whom: for girls, for boys; Type of toy: developing game, memo game; Category of development: finger motility, logical thinking, concentration of attention;
SKU: 57486G
203 UAH*
in stock
A puzzle for the little ones. The aim is to recognize the different butterfly sizes and to put them into the moulds accordingly.
SKU: 56941G
649 UAH*
in stock
Type: Kids; Kind: Teaching; Theme: Animals; Purpose: For the whole family; Age group: from 4 years; Number of players: from 2 to 4; Material: wood.
SKU: 54904G
648 UAH*
in stock
The lobster clatters happily with his pincers while following the children.
SKU: 60865G
689 UAH*
in stock
However you put the caterpillar together it always looks good. Choose from the included numbers (1 to 9) accordingly and decorate caterpillar Camila with tea lights.
SKU: 55964G
549 UAH*
in stock
Choose the right one from a variety of vehicles, all made of solid wood with real rubber tyres.
SKU: 51555G
329 UAH*
in stock
"Shaggy" Klabauter as a glove puppet is the playmate for all children. They can talk properly with Klabauter. Material: high-quality plush
SKU: 15345G-22
24 UAH*
in stock
Kind: Paint/Pigment; Type: Stamp pad; Number of colors: 1 pcs; Age: 3+; Gender: boy, girl; Category development: creative development; Material: plastic; Colour: brown; Weight: 11 g
SKU: 15345G-15
35 UAH*
in stock
Kind: Paint/Pigment; Type: Stamp pad; Number of colors: 1 pcs; Age: 3+; Gender: boy, girl; Category development: creative development; Material: plastic; Colour: orange; Weight: 11 g

New items

SKU: 61920G
235 UAH*
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The perfect equipment to make music together. Trains the sense of rhythm and motor skills.
SKU: 61940G
122 UAH*
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SKU: 61893G
97 UAH*
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This original and interesting musical instrument is made of wood. The toy can be used for various games of the child, using sound effects both when telling fairy tales and for everyday games.
138 UAH*
out of stock
The music with a triangle increases the sensibility for tones and sounds as well as the sense of rhythm.
SKU: 61953G
999 UAH*
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332 UAH*
out of stock
The perfect equipment to make music together. Enhances the sense of rhythm and concentration.


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