
Home Vendors Micro Focus
Micro Focus is one of the world’s largest enterprise software providers. We deliver mission-critical technology and supporting services that help thousands of customers worldwide manage core IT elements of their business so they can run and transform—at the same time. Learn more

About vendor

Micro Focus is a British multinational software and information technology business based in Newbury, Berkshire, England. Micro Focus helps you solve the digital dilemma of how to balance today’s needs with tomorrow’s opportunities. With the broad portfolio, you can enact the key strategies needed to run and transform your organization—and thrive in a digital world.


The Micro Focus product line includes over 800 solutions. The solution portfolio has been expanding over the years, including through mergers and acquisitions with corporations such as Borland, Net IQ, Novell, Hewlett Packard Enterprise. The combined software portfolio of Micro Focus includes a group of solutions that provide a DevOps approach to the company, that is, the business continuity of organizations, namely:


CyberRes is a dedicated business line of the Micro Focus company, which is engaged in creating products and services in the field of information security. Within the framework of CyberRes, all products for cyber resistance and protection of IT systems were combined. The division's name reflects the new global ideology of products to ensure cyber resistance (Cyber Resiliency). This group of products includes solutions: SIEM ArcSight, Fortify (SAST|DAST), Voltage data encryption tools, etc.)


Application Delivery Management is a division that provides companies with the tools to develop applications and ensure the entire application life cycle (load / functional test automation/team development solutions, etc.)


IT Operations Management - Micro Focus IT operations management solutions automate critical IT value streams across Enterprise Service Management and Full-Stack AIOps – enabling IT to become a Center of Excellence – empowering Digital Factories and digital business.


With the release of the new Micro Focus OPTIC (Operations Platform for Transformation, Intelligence and Cloud) operational automation platform, capable of integrating various IT solution solutions such as Service Manager, IT infrastructure and application monitoring, providing a wide range of capabilities for managing not only IT operation based on ITIL, ITSM approaches.


AI Data Analytics & Governance: Tools for working with big data (Analytics of unstructured data: audio, video, text data, graphic resources in real-time, a backup and disaster recovery system for data in complex and heterogeneous IT environments, enterprise information resource management, etc.)


Application Modernization & Connectivity.Application modernization helps you build on proven IT investments you rely on every day. Deliver continuous value while managing a fast-paced and ever-changing IT landscape. Innovate faster, with lower risk, by transforming your core business applications, processes, and infrastructure—from mainframe to cloud. Appreciating the existing functionality and reliability of an existing application that works just as well and reliably as any new application. Micro Focus calls it the ability to drive a business and transform without breaking anything. Micro Focus offers a platform for developers in the Cobol programming language with the ability to run Cobol applications on the Microsoft Azure cloud service.


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Компанію Micro Focus було нагороджено відзнакою Gartner Peer Insights «Вибір клієнтів 2022 року» у галузі маскування даних за рішення CyberRes Voltage SecureData.
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Рішення ArcSight дає змогу спеціалістам із безпеки використовувати єдину платформу для підвищення ефективності кіберзахисту, виявлення загроз та реагування на них, застосовуючи багаторівневу аналітику та автоматизацію.
Тренд останнього п’ятиріччя – робота з великим обсягом даних. Дані ­­­будь-де – починаючи від ритейл-крамниць, закінчуючи потужними та складними інформаційними системами. Їх так багато, що інколи деякими нехтують через брак часу для...
Уявіть великий бізнес із непоганим прибутком, чималим штатом та кількома філіями, наприклад, у сфері роздрібної торгівлі. У його IT-департаменті є великі обсяги даних, зокрема платіжних. Та от приймають у компанію нового співробітника...
Безпековий підхід у тестуванні програмного забезпечення продуктами Micro Focus.
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