
Home Vendors Infinity Nado
Alpha Group was founded in 1993. With innovative designs and quality animated content, the company is a leading children's content provider and toy group in China, as well as one of the largest and most successful in Asia. In 2009, it became the first Chinese animation company listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. One of Alpha Group's many projects is the world-famous INFINITY NADO brand. Learn more

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Blades or jigs are legendary toys that rocked some parts of the world back in the 90s. Blades became cult: comic book heroes twirled them, cartoon characters also fought blades - the toy spread to Asia, where bladers’ tournaments started!


However, many years ago, when today's parents were small, they were already fighting with jig blades; they do not buy it at shops, but took from clock mechanisms. These clock gears started the game. So now we understand - what and how it started.


Finally, the iconic INFINITY NADO blades have appeared in Ukraine and continue to win the hearts of Ukrainian bladers, every time surprising with revolutionary changes in the seemingly perfect game process!


Fierce fighting, fast speed and relentless energy of NADO


The INFINITY NADO blade game is a rapid, fast and impressive battle with power and maneuvers! Several players can participate in the game - and the more they are, the more impressive the game becomes! The participants of the battle launch their fighters of various configurations with a special launcher - and this is where the magic of physics, logic and blader skill begins: the zigs gain speed, rotate as in a battle dance, and fight the opponents! The defeated either loses energy and stops, or is pushed beyond the limits, and sometimes splits into parts - and so on to the final match! The battlefield is any surface, but it is more convenient to use the original tournament arena with sides, the tournament should take place there. The tournament begins with a traditional battle call: "One, two, three, NADO!"


Strategic mission game with INFINITY NADO


The INFINITY NADO blade game is like no other. The collection of blade fighters develops motor skills of hands and fingers. Bladers can join both teams and perform in single matches. The game process is not a simple "launch" of the jig: players think over the strategy and tactics of the launch in order to fight the enemy as quickly and powerfully as possible. Blade games explain the basic laws of physics. "One, two, three, NADO!"

Vendors catalogue
SKU: EU624903C
599 UAH*
in stock
The Infinity Nado battle arena is made of high-quality impact-resistant plastic. Thanks to its large diameter, the arena can host battles of four or more spinners. The high sides of the arena ensure the safety of the child during the launch and battles of the spinners.
SKU: EU654171DZ
799 UAH*
in stock
The Infinity Nado VI is a new arena with an innovative battlefield shape that will undoubtedly add unpredictability to a spectacular fight. The arena has a circular shape, with spinner traps on the three inner sides. Each new battle in the VI generation arena will always be spectacular and intriguing until the very end of the fight. The arena is made of durable, wear-resistant plastic to ensure long and comfortable use.
SKU: EU654281
2799 UAH*
in stock
Infinity Nado VI Proskill Battle Set is a game set with new 6th generation Proskill series jigs with the ability to choose the behavior of the jig, epic launchers created for the most spectacular battle. A completely new system of launching the jig into the arena is implemented with the help of an epic launcher in the form of a sword, the launch system is designed to provide a controlled high-speed launch with a choice of rotation in different directions
SKU: EU654232
1869 UAH*
in stock
Infinity Nado VI of the Deluxe Pack series - the rig of the new VI generation has undergone significant improvements, in particular, it is possible to choose the nature of the rig's behavior in the arena. With this in mind, unforgettable emotions from even more spectacular and interesting fights are guaranteed! The completely new system of launching the jig into the arena is implemented with the help of an epic launcher in the shape of a sword, the launch system of which guarantees a controlled high-speed start with simultaneous rotation.
SKU: EU654231
2499 UAH*
in stock
Infinity Nado VI of the Deluxe Pack series - the rig of the new VI generation has undergone significant improvements, in particular, it is possible to choose the nature of the rig's behavior in the arena. With this in mind, unforgettable emotions from even more spectacular and interesting fights are guaranteed! The completely new system of launching the jig into the arena is implemented with the help of an epic launcher in the shape of a sword, the launch system of which guarantees a controlled high-speed start with simultaneous rotation.
SKU: EU654162
1399 UAH*
in stock
Infinity Nado VI of the Master Belt series - the rig of the new VI generation has undergone significant improvements, in particular, it is possible to choose the behavior of the rig in the arena. With this in mind, unforgettable emotions from even more spectacular and interesting matches are guaranteed! The all-new system of launching the jig into the arena is realized with the help of an epic collectible sword-shaped launcher, the launch system of which guarantees a controlled high-speed launch with simultaneous rotation.
SKU: EU654142
1799 UAH*
in stock
Infinity Nado VI of the Split Series - the new VI generation ziga has undergone significant improvements, thanks to which it provides the ability to choose the characters of its behavior in the arena. So unforgettable emotions from even more spectacular and interesting fights are guaranteed! The completely new system of launching the jig into the arena is implemented with the help of an epic launcher in the shape of an enlarged sword, the launch system of which will ensure a controlled high-speed start.
SKU: EU654212
979 UAH*
in stock
Infinity Nado VI of the Proskill Pack series – the new VI generation ziga has undergone significant improvements, thanks to which it provides the ability to choose the characters of its behavior in the arena. So unforgettable emotions from even more spectacular and interesting fights are guaranteed! The completely new system of launching the jig into the arena is implemented with the help of an epic launcher in the shape of a sword, the launch system of which will ensure a controlled high-speed start.
SKU: EU654211
1399 UAH*
in stock
Infinity Nado VI of the Proskill Pack series – the new VI generation jig has undergone significant improvements, thanks to which it will give you unforgettable impressions from even more spectacular and interesting matches. The completely new system of launching the jig into the arena is implemented with the help of an epic launcher in the shape of a sword, the launch system of which will ensure a controlled high-speed start.
SKU: EU654137
1199 UAH*
in stock
Infinity Nado VI of the Advanced Pack series – the new VI generation jig has undergone significant improvements, thanks to which it will give you unforgettable impressions from even more spectacular and interesting matches. The all-new arena launch system is implemented with an epic sword-shaped launcher that has a larger size and improved design, and a launch system that provides a controlled high-speed launch.
SKU: EU654118
699 UAH*
in stock
Infinity Nado VI of the Power Pack series – the new VI generation jig has undergone significant improvements, thanks to which it will give you unforgettable impressions from even more spectacular and interesting matches. The completely new system of launching the jig into the arena is implemented with the help of an epic launcher in the shape of a sword, the launch system of which will ensure a controlled high-speed start.
SKU: EU654115
999 UAH*
in stock
Infinity Nado VI of the Power Pack series - the new 6th generation jig has undergone significant improvements, which will undoubtedly give new emotions from even more spectacular and interesting matches. A completely new system of launching the jig into the arena is implemented with the help of an epic launcher in the form of a sword, the launch system is designed to provide a controlled high-speed launch
SKU: EU654396WL
899 UAH*
in stock
Arena Infinity Nado VI has an innovative shape of the battle plane, which will add the effect of surprise during a spectacular match. On three inner sides of the circular arena there are traps for jigs, and on the other three there are bulges that direct jigs from the sides to the center of the arena. Each new battle in the VI generation arena will be spectacular and unpredictable until the very end of the battle. The arena is made of durable plastic, which ensures comfortable operation for a long time.
SKU: EU654183
1399 UAH*
in stock
Infinity Nado VI Starter Battle Set is a game set created for the most spectacular fight.
SKU: EU654181
2399 UAH*
in stock
Infinity Nado VI Battle Set is a game set that has undergone significant improvements that will definitely bring new emotions from even more spectacular and interesting fights. The launching system is designed to provide a controlled high-speed launch.
SKU: EU654161
1259 UAH*
in stock
Infinity Nado VI Goggle Battle Pack has undergone significant improvements that will definitely bring new emotions from even more spectacular and interesting fights.
SKU: EU654145
1599 UAH*
in stock
Infinity Nado VI Split Series - Flaming Wind Dragon Tiger has undergone significant improvements that are sure to bring new emotions from even more spectacular and interesting fights. The launching system is designed to provide a controlled high-speed launch.
SKU: EU654133
1099 UAH*
in stock
Get ready for an epic launch of the Infinity Nado launcher. The new Epic Launcher Advanced Pack Gold Warrior Phoenix appears in the form of a striking beast head.
SKU: EU654132
1199 UAH*
in stock
Infinity Nado VI Advanced Pack - Blazing War Bear has undergone significant improvements that will definitely bring new emotions from even more spectacular and interesting fights.
SKU: EU654131
899 UAH*
in stock
Infinity Nado VI Advanced Pack - Fury Wave Dragon has undergone significant improvements that will definitely bring new emotions from even more spectacular and interesting fights.
SKU: EU654127
999 UAH*
in stock
Infinity Nado VI Standard Pack - Dream World Magic Dragon has undergone significant improvements that will definitely bring new emotions from even more spectacular and interesting fights.
SKU: EU654124
999 UAH*
in stock
Infinity Nado VI Standard Pack - Lighting Leopard has undergone significant improvements that will definitely bring new emotions from even more spectacular and interesting fights.
SKU: EU654123
999 UAH*
in stock
Infinity Nado VI Standard Pack - Gold Warrior Phoenix has undergone significant improvements that will definitely bring new emotions from even more spectacular and interesting fights.
SKU: EU654122
699 UAH*
in stock
Infinity Nado VI Series Standard Pack Blazing War Bear has undergone significant improvements that will definitely bring new emotions from even more spectacular and interesting fights.


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