
Home Vendors Danfoss
Danfoss is a world leader in the production of energy-efficient equipment for heating and cooling systems, drive automation, hydraulic equipment, etc. Learn more

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Danfoss is a world leader in supplying technologies for industrial refrigeration and air conditioning, residential, commercial and district heating. The company develops solutions that help reduce environmental impact, improve comfort in homes, offices and apartments, and create a reliable heating infrastructure that uses renewable energy sources. Danfoss is a leading player and pioneer in the market of mobile hydraulics, drive and industrial automation.

Vendors catalogue
SKU: 015G5311
1416 UAH*
in stock
Shut-off valves RA-FN and RLV-S are used for piping radiators with side connection in unbranched two-pipe hot water heating systems (cottages, apartments, small commercial buildings, etc.), where there is no need for fine balancing.
SKU: 014G2479
4944 UAH*
in stock
The Danfoss Ally boiler relay is an ideal device for optimizing the energy efficiency of boiler installations, which ensures the operation of the boiler only when there is a real need for heating. The Danfoss Ally boiler relay uses the Zigbee 3.0 communication protocol and is compatible with the Danfoss Ally gateway and compatible third-party systems that use Zigbee 3.0 technology.
SKU: 015G5310
1488 UAH*
in stock
Shut-off valves RLV-KB are intended for connecting radiators with the lower placement of connecting fittings with an interaxial distance of 50 mm to the pipelines of mountain umbrella two-pipe systems. With the help of RLV-KB, it is possible to disconnect the radiator for its dismantling or maintenance without draining the water from the entire heating system.
SKU: 015G5309
1488 UAH*
in stock
Shut-off valves RLV-KB are intended for connecting radiators with the lower placement of connecting fittings with an interaxial distance of 50 mm to the pipelines of mountain umbrella two-pipe systems. With the help of RLV-KB, it is possible to disconnect the radiator for its dismantling or maintenance without draining the water from the entire heating system.
SKU: 015G5301
1416 UAH*
in stock
Shut-off valves RA-FN and RLV-S are used for strapping radiators with a side connection in unbranched two-pipe water heating systems (cottages, apartments, small commercial buildings, etc.) in which there is no need for fine balancing.
SKU: 015G5308
1488 UAH*
in stock
Shut-off valves RLV-KB are intended for connecting radiators with lower placement of connecting pieces with an interaxial distance of 50 mm to the pipelines of mountain two-pipe systems. With the help of RLV-KB, it is possible to disconnect the radiator for its dismantling or maintenance without draining the water from the entire heating system.
SKU: 015G5307
1488 UAH*
in stock
Shut-off valves RLV-KB are designed for connecting radiators with the lower placement of connecting fittings with an interaxial distance of 50 mm to pipelines of mountain umbrella two-pipe systems. With the help of RLV-KB, it is possible to disconnect the radiator for its dismantling or maintenance without draining the water from the entire heating system.
SKU: 015G3350
1073 UAH*
in stock
The Danfoss Redia series is a wide range of high quality thermostatic elements manufactured in Denmark. Danfoss Redia thermostatic elements utilize liquid fill technology, which provides fast response times and a compact element size for most needs.
SKU: 015G3330
797 UAH*
in stock
The Danfoss Redia M30 thermostatic element uses liquid-filled technology, which provides a fast response time and a compact element size for most needs.
SKU: 015G4540
1692 UAH*
in stock
Danfoss Aero series is a wide range of thermostatic elements of the highest quality manufactured in Denmark. Danfoss Aero thermostats use unique gas-filled technology, which ensures faster thermostat response.
SKU: 015G4594
998 UAH*
in stock
Danfoss Aero thermostats use a unique technology, gas filling, which ensures the fastest response of the thermostat.
SKU: 140F1160
4092 UAH*
in stock
DEVIreg Basic is an intuitive programmable thermostat with an intelligent timer to control the temperature of the floor, which corresponds to the modern eco-design of Lot 20 and is used to control the electric elements of the heated floor. Installed in a mounting box.
SKU: 140F1161
5052 UAH*
in stock
DEVIreg Room is an intuitive programmable thermostat with an intelligent timer for combined room or floor temperature control that meets modern eco-design. This thermostat is used to control the electric floor heating elements according to the room temperature with the possibility of limiting the floor temperature.
SKU: 088U2128
4716 UAH*
in stock
Danfoss Icon2 / 24V RT 24V thermostat offers a minimalistic design that makes them fade away and blend into surroundings when the display is not active. The thermostats uses powerline communication which makes installation very easy.
SKU: 088U2140
3288 UAH*
in stock
The TWA conversion module allows you to convert the 230 V drive outputs on the Icon2 master controller to 24 V outputs
SKU: 088U2122
8412 UAH*
in stock
Danfoss Icon 2 RT is a series of wireless thermostats that offers the freedom to place your thermostat without the constraints of wires in the wall, The fade away feature, together with the minimalistic design, only 16 mm deep, gives it elegance and makes it blend in with the surroundings.
SKU: 088U2121
5496 UAH*
in stock
Danfoss Icon 2 RT is a series of wireless thermostats that offers the freedom to place your thermostat without the constraints of wires in the wall, The fade away feature, together with the minimalistic design, only 16 mm deep, gives it elegance and makes it blend in with the surroundings.
SKU: 088U2100
13644 UAH*
in stock
Danfoss Icon 2 Main Controller is used for floor heating and cooling systems for individual room control. It can be configured as a wired or wireless system or as a combination, if required. The center of the system is the Danfoss Icon 2 Main Controller, which configures and ties the system together.
SKU: 088U1142
15540 UAH*
in stock
Danfoss Icon Master Controller is a modular heating control system with room control. If necessary, it can be configured as a wired or wireless system, or a combination of both technologies. The central part of the system is the Danfoss Icon Master Controller 24V, which links the devices in the system and allows you to configure it.
SKU: 088U1141
14244 UAH*
in stock
Danfoss Icon Master Controller is a modular heating control system with room control. If necessary, it can be configured as a wired or wireless system, or a combination of both technologies. The central part of the system is the Danfoss Icon Master Controller 24V, which links the devices in the system and allows you to configure it.
SKU: 014G2480
2208 UAH*
in stock
The Danfoss Ally Room Sensor is an indoor electronic sensor for measuring room temperature and humidity. The room sensor is a part of the Danfoss Ally system, which is used for wireless linking and controlling of heating systems in a residential and light commercial buildings. The Danfoss Ally Room Sensor has a built-in temperature and humidity sensor, which measures ambient temperature and humidity. It allows you to increase the indoor comfort and control the heating in the room where installed.
SKU: 140F1096
1632 UAH*
in stock
Outdoor temperature sensor for DEVIreg 140F1096 Devi regulators is a quality and reliable product from the renowned Danish manufacturer Devi. Many years of experience, the use of the latest technology and a high level of quality control at all stages of production has made DEVI (Denmark) a leader in the electrical industry, and the quality and modern thoughtful design is proof of the success of the brand.
SKU: 140F1086
10800 UAH*
in stock
At least one roof sensor should be used for each control zone on the roof, but for roofs with a complex configuration, two or more sensors are recommended. Temperature and humidity control. From one to 4 roof and ground sensors can be connected in any combination. The measurements are read by the Devireg 850 controller, which is used to make a decision on whether to switch the heating cable on or off. The location of the roof sensor is particularly important for the correct operation of the gutter protection system against snow and ice build-up.
SKU: 014G2400
10740 UAH*
in stock
The Danfoss Ally Gateway Interface Module is a programmable wireless control system that connects all Danfoss Ally devices to the internet and intelligently controls your heating system using an app that can be downloaded free of charge from Google Play or the App Store. Power supply and LAN cable for connecting to the Internet are supplied. Provides control in accordance with the set daily heating schedule for each room separately, allowing you to quickly and easily make the necessary settings.


New items
In today’s world of technological innovation, the concept of a smart home is gaining more and more importance. Danfoss Icon2 opens up new horizons of comfort and efficiency for users. By introducing advanced technology and seamless...
Опалювальний період 2022–2023 може стати найважчим за часів незалежності України. Про це постійно наголошують експерти. Фахівці вживають необхідних заходів на місцях, аби підготувати теплові мережі та теплопункти до роботи за екстремальних...
Danfoss Icon — серія кімнатних терморегуляторів, що монтуються на поверхню або у вбудовану монтажну коробку, для керування гідравлічними системами підлогового опалення.
The Danfoss Ally system provides all the benefits of a fully functional smart heating control system in a simple and user-friendly app. With Danfoss Ally products, you can take full control of both your radiators and your heating bills....
The heating period of 2023–2024 may become the most difficult since the independence of Ukraine. This is constantly emphasized by experts. Specialists take the necessary measures on the ground to prepare heating networks and points...
We invite you to the presentation of the Danfoss ICON 2 underfloor heating control system, which will be held on the Danfoss Ukraine YouTube channel on September 21 at 2:00 p.m.
Бренд Danfoss активно підтримує загальну концепцію щодо необхідності встановлення балансу між задоволенням сучасних потреб людства й захистом інтересів майбутніх поколінь, усвідомлюючи потребу в безпечному і здоровому довкіллі.
Система «розумний будинок» набуває дедалі більшої популярності. Високотехнологічні рішення роблять повсякденне життя мешканців оселі, де її встановлено, більш зручним, заощаджуючи гроші та час.
Бренд Danfoss розвивають кілька поколінь данської родини Клаузен. У 1932 році інженер Мадс Клаузен виготовив свій перший робочий дросельний вентиль для холодильних систем, який отримав назву Danfoss.
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