Новорічні пледи ARDESTO – ліпший подарунок до затишних свят!

Home News and reviews Новорічні пледи ARDESTO – ліпший подарунок до затишних свят!

Свята наближаються, а це означає, що час вибирати теплі, стильні та практичні подарунки для рідних і друзів. Новорічні пледи ARDESTO – саме той презент, який створить атмосферу затишку та тепла в кожному домі.

Пледи ARDESTO вирізняються стильним дизайном і якістю виконання. Вони не лише тішать око яскравими й оригінальними принтами, але й виготовлені зі 100 % поліестеру, що зумовлює неймовірну м’якість і довговічність.

В асортименті наявні як тонші пледи щільністю 180 г/м² (ART0718PB, ART0717PB, ART0716PB, ART0715PB) для невагомого затишку, так і тепліші вироби щільністю 240 г/м² (ART0120PB, ART0119PB, ART0118PB, ART0117PB, ART0116PB), які згодяться холодними зимовими вечорами.

Не відкладайте вибір подарунка на останню мить. Вибирайте новорічні пледи ARDESTO для себе та близьких і зробіть свята ще затишнішими!

Products from publication
229 UAH*
349 UAH.
in stock
Wrapping yourself in a warm, soft blanket after a tiring day is a real pleasure. The ARDESTO Fleece blanket is made of high-quality 100% polyester, the material density is 180 g/m². The product size is 130 × 160 cm, it will become an indispensable accessory in the bedroom, living room or children’s room, adding a touch of comfort and style.
229 UAH*
349 UAH.
in stock
Wrapping yourself in a warm, soft blanket after a tiring day is a real pleasure. The ARDESTO Fleece blanket is made of high-quality 100% polyester, the material density is 180 g/m². The product size is 130 × 160 cm, it will become an indispensable accessory in the bedroom, living room or children’s room, adding a touch of comfort and style.
229 UAH*
349 UAH.
in stock
Wrapping yourself in a warm, soft blanket after a tiring day is a real pleasure. The ARDESTO Fleece blanket is made of high-quality 100% polyester, the material density is 180 g/m². The product size is 130 × 160 cm, it will become an indispensable accessory in the bedroom, living room or children’s room, adding a touch of comfort and style.
349 UAH*
out of stock
Wrapping yourself in a warm, soft blanket after a tiring day is a real pleasure. The ARDESTO Fleece blanket is made of high-quality 100% polyester, the material density is 180 g/m². The product size is 130 × 160 cm, it will become an indispensable accessory in the bedroom, living room or children’s room, adding a touch of comfort and style.
699 UAH*
out of stock
Wrapping yourself in a warm, soft blanket after a tiring day is a real pleasure. The ARDESTO Flannel blanket is made of high-quality 100% polyester, the material density is 240 g/m². The product size is 160 × 200 cm, it will become an indispensable accessory in the bedroom, living room or children’s room, adding a touch of comfort and style.
699 UAH*
out of stock
Wrapping yourself in a warm, soft blanket after a tiring day is a real pleasure. The ARDESTO Flannel blanket is made of high-quality 100% polyester, the material density is 240 g/m². The product size is 160 × 200 cm, it will become an indispensable accessory in the bedroom, living room or children’s room, adding a touch of comfort and style.
699 UAH*
out of stock
Wrapping yourself in a warm, soft blanket after a tiring day is a real pleasure. The ARDESTO Flannel blanket is made of high-quality 100% polyester, the material density is 240 g/m². The product size is 160 × 200 cm, it will become an indispensable accessory in the bedroom, living room or children’s room, adding a touch of comfort and style.
699 UAH*
out of stock
Wrapping yourself in a warm, soft blanket after a tiring day is a real pleasure. The ARDESTO Flannel blanket is made of high-quality 100% polyester, the material density is 240 g/m². The product size is 160 × 200 cm, it will become an indispensable accessory in the bedroom, living room or children’s room, adding a touch of comfort and style.
699 UAH*
out of stock
Wrapping yourself in a warm, soft blanket after a tiring day is a real pleasure. The ARDESTO Flannel blanket is made of high-quality 100% polyester, the material density is 240 g/m². The product size is 160 × 200 cm, it will become an indispensable accessory in the bedroom, living room or children’s room, adding a touch of comfort and style.
Products catalog
Products catalog