For whom: for girls, for boys, for the whole family; Type of toy: wall-mounted; Category of development: finger motility, logical thinking, visual perception, sound perception, tactile sensations, color perception, creativity;
For whom: for girls, for boys, for the whole family; Type of toy: wall-mounted; Category of development: finger motility, fine motor skill, logical thinking, sound perception;
For whom: for girls, for boys, for the whole family; Type of toy: wall-mounted; Category of development: finger motility, fine motor skill, logical thinking, sound perception;
For whom: for girls, for boys, for the whole family; Type of toy: wall-mounted; Category of development: finger motility, fine motor skill, logical thinking, sound perception;
For whom: for girls, for boys, for the whole family; Type of toy: wall-mounted; Category of development: finger motility, logical thinking, visual perception, tactile sensations, color perception, creativity;
For whom: for girls, for boys, for the whole family; Type of toy: wall-mounted; Category of development: finger motility, logical thinking, visual perception, tactile sensations, color perception, creativity;
For whom: for girls, for boys, for the whole family; Type of toy: wall-mounted; Category of development: finger motility, logical thinking, visual perception, tactile sensations, color perception, creativity;
Vampire, pirate or class clown?! The imagination knows no boundaries. The facial outline can be filled with 66 magnetic parts. Anyone who cannot think of anything at first can get their inspiration from the template cards. Base plate: 20 x 26.5 x 5 cm
With a pig's nose or a scarred face? The imagination knows no boundaries. The facial outline can be filled with 85 magnetic parts. Anyone who cannot think of anything at first can get their inspiration from the template cards. Base plate: 20 x 26.5 x 5 cm
For whom: for girls, for boys; Type of toy: sorting game; Category of development: finger motility, motor coordination, logical thinking, visual perception, color perception;
Learn on your own how to calculate! 5+2, 7+1: To begin with, the world of numbers does not yet mean much to children. The numerical world is abstract. This teaching tool visualises numbers and results in a broader sense. The world of numbers and quantities opens up almost playfully. Naturally, instructions are included in the high-quality beech wood box.
For whom: for girls, for boys, for the whole family; Type of toy: game, developing game; Category of development: motor coordination, fine motor skill, logical thinking, visual perception, color perception, perseverance;
For whom: for girls, for boys; Type of toy: game; Category of development: finger motility, visual perception, sound perception, tactile sensations, color perception;
The clothing is a little bit too large for the bear. You therefore have to fixate it with strings. This does not only train your patience, but also your hand-eye-coordination and your fine motor skills.
Can you already sort rings from large to small? Because of the rounded bottom, the tower moves back and forth and complicates the whole thing. This task does not only promote the motor activity, but also the coordination of eyes and hands.
Discovery is so fun with these tactile cards! Your little ones will explore, marvel and learn more about the world around them through touch. Take them on a journey through the world of the savannah by having them stroke a lion, a monkey, a giraffe, an elephant, a parrot or even a crocodile!
What a pretty dinosaur-themed shape-sorting box! You’re bound to love the colours and details found on this easily transportable play cube. This multi-activity volcano boasts multiple games that will appeal to children aged 12 months and up. The front features a shape sorter with wooden dinosaurs to slot through the correct holes. Toddlers will need to scratch their brains to figure out where to place the cute Tyrannosaurus, Triceratops and Pteranodon!
Make up incredible stories with the Janod Magnetic Tree! The magnetic tree has 30 magnets to decorate it and let your imagination run wild. Includes various animals and plants. An ideal way to learn the names of forest animals in a playful way. After playing, the tree can be closed. Size: 46 x 1 x 32 cm, ideal for children from 3 years old.
There are plenty of stacking games, but this stacking donkey is pure luxury stacking fun. The wide variety of packages this poor beast of burden is expected to carry is too much for any donkey! But at some point it is enough – when the first part falls down, the loser is clear – although there are actually only winners in this stack of fun.