Світлодіодні лампи Osram

Home News and reviews Світлодіодні лампи Osram

Світлодіодні лампи Osram — це сучасне рішення для освітлення, яке поєднує енергоефективність, довговічність, високу якість світла та екологічність використаних матеріалів у продукті.

Поєднуючи функціонал і декоративну складову, лампи OSRAM мають такі ключові особливості:


Енергоефективніші за традиційні джерела світла, адже споживають до 80-90 % менше електроенергії, а також на 20-30 % менше як порівняти з простішими світлодіодними аналогами, що дає змогу заощадити на рахунках за електрику.


Висока якість світла без мерехтіння, приємне для очей освітлення, що важливо для відчуття комфорту і затишку вдома чи на роботі.


Довговічні, мають термін слугування від 25 000 год і більше, що значно перевищує термін слугування галогенних та люмінесцентних ламп і простіших світлодіодних аналогів.


Різноманітність кольорів і свічення, адже пропонують широкий спектр кольорових температур — від холодного білого до теплого жовтого світла, завдяки чому можна вибрати оптимальне освітлення для будь-якого простору.


Миттєве увімкнення, адже світлодіоди миттєво досягають повної яскравості після увімкнення, без затримок і мерехтіння.


Екологічність – лампи не містять шкідливих речовин і зменшують викиди CO₂, що робить їх безпечнішими для довкілля.


Декоративна привабливість у деяких різновидах ламп надає можливість їх прямого використання, як готового рішення, без необхідності витрачання коштів на придбання додаткових аксесуарів.

Світлодіодні лампи Osram є найліпшою знахідкою для тих, хто шукає надійне, енергоефективне та екологічне рішення для освітлення й цінує різноманітність вибору.

Products from publication
SKU: 4058075430891
359 UAH*
in stock
Easy installation. Up to 80% reduction in energy consumption compared to conventional bulbs. Personalized control.
SKU: 4058075817913
186 UAH*
in stock
OSRAM is one of the world's leading lighting manufacturers. The company was founded in 1906 in Berlin. Today, OSRAM lamps are produced in more than 20 factories around the world. The headquarters is located in Munich, Germany. The highest quality, innovation and the widest range delight customers in more than 150 countries. Light is OSRAM.
SKU: 4058075430877
219 UAH*
in stock
OSRAM is one of the world's leading manufacturers of lighting technology. The company was founded in 1906 in Berlin. Today OSRAM lamps are produced in more than 20 factories around the world.
SKU: 4058075430754
245 UAH*
in stock
Easy installation. Up to 80% reduction in energy consumption compared to conventional bulbs. Personalised control.
SKU: 4058075430853
219 UAH*
in stock
OSRAM is one of the world's leading manufacturers of lighting technology. The company was founded in 1906 in Berlin. Today OSRAM lamps are produced in more than 20 factories around the world.
SKU: 4058075798120
138 UAH*
in stock
OSRAM is one of the world's leading manufacturers of lighting equipment. The company was founded in 1906 in Berlin. Today, OSRAM lamps are produced at more than 20 plants around the world. The headquarters is located in Munich, Germany. The highest quality, innovation and the widest assortment delight customers in more than 150 countries. Light is OSRAM
SKU: 4058075797888
138 UAH*
in stock
OSRAM is one of the world's leading manufacturers of lighting equipment. The company was founded in 1906 in Berlin. Today, OSRAM lamps are produced at more than 20 plants around the world. The headquarters is located in Munich, Germany. The highest quality, innovation and the widest assortment delight customers in more than 150 countries. Light is OSRAM
SKU: 4058075055155
69 UAH*
in stock
OSRAM is one of the world's leading manufacturers of lighting technology. The company was founded in 1906 in Berlin. Today OSRAM lamps are produced in more than 20 factories around the world.
SKU: 4058075432420
99 UAH*
in stock
LED lamp OSRAM LEDPIN40 3.8W/840 230V CL G9 FS1. Good all-round emission. Long service life up to 15,000 h. Ideal for decorative lighting and free light distribution.
SKU: 4058075432390
99 UAH*
in stock
LED lamp OSRAM LEDPIN40 3.8W/827 230V CL G9 10X1. Good all-round emission. Long service life up to 15,000 h.
SKU: 4058075432369
99 UAH*
in stock
OSRAM is one of the world's leading manufacturers of lighting equipment. The company was founded in 1906 in Berlin. Today, OSRAM lamps are produced at more than 20 plants around the world. The headquarters is located in Munich, Germany. The highest quality, innovation and the widest assortment delight customers in more than 150 countries. Light is OSRAM
SKU: 4058075817890
185 UAH*
in stock
OSRAM is one of the world's leading lighting manufacturers. The company was founded in 1906 in Berlin. Today, OSRAM lamps are produced in more than 20 factories around the world. The headquarters is located in Munich, Germany. The highest quality, innovation and the widest range delight customers in more than 150 countries. Light is OSRAM.
SKU: 4058075288669
99 UAH*
in stock
OSRAM is one of the world's leading manufacturers of lighting technology. The company was founded in 1906 in Berlin. Today OSRAM lamps are produced in more than 20 factories around the world.
SKU: 4058075377547
129 UAH*
in stock
OSRAM is one of the world's leading lighting manufacturers. The company was founded in 1906 in Berlin. Today, OSRAM lamps are produced in more than 20 factories around the world. The highest quality, innovation and the widest range delight customers in more than 150 countries. Light is OSRAM!
SKU: 4058075817876
129 UAH*
in stock
Product advantages: No bending due to glass technology; quick, easy and safe replacement without rewiring; energy savings of up to 65% (compared to a T8 fluorescent lamp on a standard ballast).
SKU: 4058075817852
129 UAH*
in stock
OSRAM is one of the world's leading manufacturers of lighting technology. The company was founded in 1906 in Berlin. Today OSRAM lamps are produced in more than 20 factories around the world.
SKU: 4058075125988
99 UAH*
in stock
OSRAM is one of the world's leading manufacturers of lighting equipment. The company was founded in 1906 in Berlin. Today, OSRAM lamps are produced at more than 20 plants around the world. The headquarters is located in Munich, Germany. The highest quality, innovation and the widest assortment delight customers in more than 150 countries. Light is OSRAM
SKU: 4058075434882
70 UAH*
in stock
OSRAM is one of the world's leading lighting manufacturers. The company was founded in 1906 in Berlin. Today, OSRAM lamps are produced in more than 20 factories around the world. The headquarters is located in Munich, Germany. The highest quality, innovation and the widest range delight customers in more than 150 countries.
SKU: 4058075623507
96 UAH*
in stock
OSRAM is one of the world's leading manufacturers of lighting equipment. The company was founded in 1906 in Berlin. Today, OSRAM lamps are produced at more than 20 plants around the world. The headquarters is located in Munich, Germany. The highest quality, innovation and the widest assortment delight customers in more than 150 countries. Light is OSRAM
SKU: 4058075435209
65 UAH*
in stock
Pleasant homogeneous light of lamps, stable luminous flux, high color transmission and a wide angle of light allow you to create a warm and cozy home atmosphere.
SKU: 4058075126022
85 UAH*
in stock
OSRAM is one of the world's leading manufacturers of lighting equipment. The company was founded in 1906 in Berlin. Today, OSRAM lamps are produced at more than 20 plants around the world. The headquarters is located in Munich, Germany. The highest quality, innovation and the widest assortment delight customers in more than 150 countries. Light is OSRAM
SKU: 4058075432758
96 UAH*
in stock
OSRAM is one of the world's leading manufacturers of lighting equipment. The company was founded in 1906 in Berlin. Today, OSRAM lamps are produced at more than 20 plants around the world. The headquarters is located in Munich, Germany. The highest quality, innovation and the widest assortment delight customers in more than 150 countries. Light is OSRAM
SKU: 4058075433243
75 UAH*
in stock
OSRAM is one of the world's leading manufacturers of lighting equipment. The company was founded in 1906 in Berlin. Today, OSRAM lamps are produced at more than 20 plants around the world. The headquarters is located in Munich, Germany. The highest quality, innovation and the widest assortment delight customers in more than 150 countries. Light is OSRAM
SKU: 4052899973404
69 UAH*
out of stock
OSRAM is one of the world's leading manufacturers of lighting technology. The company was founded in 1906 in Berlin. Today OSRAM lamps are produced in more than 20 factories around the world.
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