Нові можливості Voltage File Analysis Suite

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The new CyberRes Voltage File Analysis Suite takes data security to the next level with its data discovery and protection capabilities within one solution.

CyberRes a Micro Focus line of business, announced a new version of Voltage File Analysis Suite (FAS), a cloud platform that combines the latest in data discovery and data protection.

Among the new features in Voltage FAS is SmartScan, a tool for intelligent sampling and dynamic tagging for petabyte scale data discovery, enabling data analysts to find the areas of higher data risk faster.

Since it is delivered as a SaaS solution, it possesses the scalability needed to meet the needs of any user’s data estate. Furthermore, the dynamic Voltage SmartScan tool provides users with the resources needed to conduct more prescriptive, deeper scans of their data infrastructure and take more focused protective actions.

You can find more information about the solution and get test licenses here https://bit.ly/3g0w1Jy

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